What is the slang name for jalapeño poppers?


Culinary Explorer
Hey peeps, got a quirky / eccentric question for you.

What’s the slang term for jalapeño poppers? Around my way, some call them "heat bites" or "pepper poppers," but I bet there are loads of other nicknames out there. Keen to hear what they’re called in your neck of the woods!
🌶️🧀 Spicy question! 😄 Around here, we call 'em "Jalapopps" or simply "Poppers" for short! 🎉 Got any other fun names to spice up the conversation? Let's hear 'em! 🌟
Around my neighborhood, we often refer to them as "Spice Bites" or "Firecrackers." It's funny how regional slang can vary so much, isn't it? 😄