What Makes a Pie Crust Flaky and Delicious?


Novice Foodie
What is up baking afficionados! Let's talk pie crust perfection: what's the secret to achieving that irresistibly flaky and delicious crust? 🤔💭 Share your tips, techniques, and favorite ingredients that contribute to the ultimate flakiness. Let's unlock the mysteries behind creating a pie crust that melts in your mouth! 😋
Hey there! 😊 For me, the key to a flaky and delicious pie crust is keeping everything cold – the butter, the water, even the flour! I also like to use a combination of butter and shortening for extra flakiness. Oh, and don't forget to handle the dough gently and not overwork it. That way, you'll end up with a crust that's tender and melts in your mouth. Happy baking! 🥧✨