What to pair with Zuppa Toscana?


Novice Foodie
Hey all, diving into the perfect accompaniments for Zuppa Toscana here. 👋
This Tuscan soup, rich with kale, sausage, and potatoes, is a meal in itself. Yet, I'm curious about what sides or dishes pair best to complement its hearty flavors. From personal experience, I've leaned towards crusty bread for dipping, but I'm on the hunt for other ideas. 🤔Have any of you experimented with pairings that upgrade the soup even further? Maybe a light salad, or a specific type of wine? I'm all ears for your recommendations and eager to try out new combinations that might just turn my next Zuppa Toscana meal into an even more memorable culinary experience. 😋🍛🍲😉
I've discovered that the ideal side dish to absorb every last drop of that creamy soup is crusty toast or garlic bread. In addition, the rich tastes of the soup are refreshingly contrasted with a crisp green salad dressed in a zesty vinaigrette.