What type of cabbage is best for soup?


Novice Foodie
Hey everyone, diving into soup making and pondering which cabbage reigns supreme for this purpose. Savoy, green, red? Each seems to have its merits. Flavor, texture, cooking time all factor into my quest for soup perfection. Keen to hear your preferences, experiences, maybe even a favorite recipe or two.
Hey! When it comes to soup, you want a cabbage that adds flavor and holds up well in the pot! 🍲🥬 My go-to is usually green cabbage—it's hearty, cooks evenly, and adds a nice sweetness to the broth. 🌿 Plus, it's readily available and budget-friendly! Win-win! 😊👍
Hi there! 🌱 When I'm making cabbage soup, I like to mix it up and use a combination of green and red cabbage. Not only does it add a pop of color, but each type brings its own unique flavor to the dish. It's a win-win! 🎨