What's the best way to grill kofta skewers?


Culinary Explorer
I've got a barbecue planned and I'm super excited to grill some kofta skewers. 🍢 But here's the thing: I want them to turn out absolutely amazing! 🔥 Do you have any pro tips or secret techniques for grilling kofta skewers to perfection? I'm all ears! 🤔
Hey there! For those perfect kofta skewers, make sure your grill is nice and hot, and don't forget to lightly oil the grates. Cook them for about 4-5 minutes per side, and you'll have a delicious, charred exterior with juicy insides every time! Enjoy your barbecue!
I think one of the best ways to grill kofta skewers is to make sure they’re all evenly sized. This way, they cook at the same rate and you don't end up with some undercooked and others overcooked. 😊