What's the carb count on a Dirty Shirley?


Culinary Explorer
Managing my diet but still want to indulge in a good cocktail every now and then. Does anyone know the carb content of a Dirty Shirley? Looking for something tasty that won't throw off my carb count too much. 📊🍸
On average, a Dirty Shirley can contain 20-25 grams of carbs. You could try a diet soda to cut down the carbs a bit! 🍹
Managing my diet but still want to indulge in a good cocktail every now and then. Does anyone know the carb content of a Dirty Shirley? Looking for something tasty that won't throw off my carb count too much. 📊🍸
Hey, I hear you on that balance! 🍹 Dirty Shirleys can be a tasty treat without going overboard on carbs. Typically, they're made with vodka, grenadine, and a splash of soda, so they're not too heavy on carbs compared to some other cocktails. Just watch your portions and maybe opt for a sugar-free soda if you're really watching those carbs. Cheers to finding that sweet spot between indulgence and staying on track!
A Dirty Shirley typically contains around 20-25 grams of carbohydrates per serving, primarily from the grenadine syrup and any added soda or lemon-lime soda, depending on the specific recipe and proportions used. 🍹