What's the go-to base liquor for a French 75?


Culinary Explorer
Hi, cocktail crew! 🍸 I'm gearing up to mix my first French 75 and hit a snag - what's the go-to base liquor? 🤔 Gin, vodka, or is there another contender I'm not thinking of? Keen to get this right and impress my friends. Thanks for the help and cheers to good drinks! 🥂
Hi, cocktail crew! 🍸 I'm gearing up to mix my first French 75 and hit a snag - what's the go-to base liquor? 🤔 Gin, vodka, or is there another contender I'm not thinking of? Keen to get this right and impress my friends. Thanks for the help and cheers to good drinks! 🥂
The go-to base liquor for a French 75 is gin. It's traditionally made with gin, though some variations use cognac as well.