When did ground turkey start trending?


Culinary Explorer
When did ground turkey start gaining popularity? 🤔 Curious about its journey from obscurity to fame! 🌟 Any history enthusiasts with insights into this flavorful trend? 📚 Let's dive into the rise of ground turkey together!
When did ground turkey start gaining popularity? 🤔 Curious about its journey from obscurity to fame! 🌟 Any history enthusiasts with insights into this flavorful trend? 📚 Let's dive into the rise of ground turkey together!
round turkey's rise in popularity began around the 1980s, driven by health-conscious consumers seeking leaner alternatives to ground beef. 🦃📈 Its versatility and lower fat content quickly made it a staple in many kitchens. Enjoy exploring its tasty journey! 🍗🌱
When did ground turkey start gaining popularity? 🤔 Curious about its journey from obscurity to fame! 🌟 Any history enthusiasts with insights into this flavorful trend? 📚 Let's dive into the rise of ground turkey together!

Oh, ground turkey? Healthier choices to ground beef gained popularity and the trend as early as the 80s and 90s was started. Everyone started adding grated carrots in their food, and presto, it got transformed into a culinary element. 🦃