Which apple do you think works best for apple crisp?


Culinary Explorer
Apple lovers out there! 🍎 I'm curious ...What's your top pick for the best apple to use in apple crisp? 🍏🤔

I've heard Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, and more, but I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

Which apple do you think is perfect for that delicious apple crisp topping?
Based on my experience, I think any firm and tart apple variety like Braeburn or Pink Lady works well for apple crisp. They hold up during baking and offer a nice contrast to the sweet topping, I think. 🍏🍎
When it comes to apple crisp, I'm all about the Granny Smith apples! 🍏 Their tartness holds up really well against the sweetness of the crisp topping, creating the perfect balance of flavors. Plus, they keep their shape nicely when baked, so you get that satisfying bite in every spoonful. But hey, I've also tried it with Honeycrisp and found it to be equally delicious – just a tad sweeter. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference, so I'd say give both a try and see which one you like best! Happy baking! 🍎🥧😊
I think the greatest apples for apple crisp are those that are firm to the core and have just the right amount of sweetness and acidity. 🍏💫 In my opinion, Granny Smith apples make an excellent option because they hold up well throughout baking and have a delicious tart flavor that contrasts beautifully with the sweet crumble topping.