Why do people eat bagels instead of bread?


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone, I've been pondering why some prefer bagels over traditional bread. Is it the dense, chewy texture or the distinct crust that makes them choose bagels? 🤭🥯☺Maybe it's the convenience of a grab-and-go meal that holds toppings more securely. Or do the unique flavors and varieties play a role? What are your thoughts or reasons for leaning towards bagels instead of slices of bread?
For me, it's definitely about the texture! Bagels have that chewy, dense bite that you just don't get with regular bread. Plus, they're perfect for holding toppings like cream cheese, smoked salmon, or avocado without getting soggy. It's like a little handheld meal that's super satisfying.🥯
I think people enjoy bagels because of their chewy texture and unique flavor! 🥯😋 Though some may prefer them for convenience or cultural reasons. It's all about personal preference!