Why do people prefer gluten-free bread?


Culinary Explorer
Hey all 🙋‍♀️ been wondering why many opt for gluten-free bread 🍞 For some, it's a necessity due to celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, offering a way to enjoy bread without health issues. Others might choose it for a perceived healthier lifestyle, thinking it’s lower in carbs or calories. What’s your reason for going gluten-free? 🤓📝
Hey all 🙋‍♀️ been wondering why many opt for gluten-free bread 🍞 For some, it's a necessity due to celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, offering a way to enjoy bread without health issues. Others might choose it for a perceived healthier lifestyle, thinking it’s lower in carbs or calories. What’s your reason for going gluten-free? 🤓📝
I went gluten-free 'cause of celiac probs 🤷‍♂️. Messed up my stomach bad. Now, gluten-free bread's my savior, no more bloating or cramps..🌞.
People may prefer gluten-free bread for various reasons, including gluten intolerance or sensitivity, celiac disease, or simply as part of a perceived healthier diet, although it's important to note that not all gluten-free options are necessarily healthier than their gluten-containing counterparts❤️