Why is my banana nut bread chewy?


Culinary Explorer
Hey all, struggling with my banana nut bread turning out chewy instead of tender. Thought I nailed the recipe, but something's off. Maybe overmixing the batter or wrong oven temp? Seeking advice to avoid this chewiness, aiming for that soft, moist texture everyone loves. What adjustments should I consider?
Consider the ripeness of your bananas. The riper they are, the more moisture and natural sweetness they add, which can help with the texture. 😋😉✨👍
Hey all, struggling with my banana nut bread turning out chewy instead of tender. Thought I nailed the recipe, but something's off. Maybe overmixing the batter or wrong oven temp? Seeking advice to avoid this chewiness, aiming for that soft, moist texture everyone loves. What adjustments should I consider?
A few things can make banana bread chewy: too much mixing, overripe bananas, or not enough flour. Check your recipe and maybe lighten up on the mixing or the bananas next time! Still delicious, though! :)
Your banana nut bread might be chewy due to overmixing the batter. Mix just until combined to avoid developing too much gluten. Happy baking! 🍌🍞✨
Using too much flour can make banana nut bread chewy. Make sure you're measuring it correctly, preferably by weight or using the spoon and level method. 📏🥣