Why is my pumpkin roll wet or sticky?


Culinary Explorer
Hey!! 😊 I'm trying to achieve the pumpkin roll recipe. Sadly, I kept running into a problem. It always ends up a bit wet or sticky. 🎃🧁 I've tried adjusting the baking time and temperature, but it doesn't seem to help. 🤔 Any idea what might be causing this issue? Would love to hear your thoughts and tips!
If my pumpkin roll is wet or sticky, I double-check the baking time to ensure it's fully baked and then make sure to roll it tightly with a clean towel coated in powdered sugar. Proper cooling and storage in the fridge afterward usually solve any moisture issues. 🎃
If my pumpkin roll is wet or sticky, I double-check the baking time to ensure it's fully baked and then make sure to roll it tightly with a clean towel coated in powdered sugar. Proper cooling and storage in the fridge afterward usually solve any moisture issues. 🎃
I couldn't agree more! Ensuring the pumpkin roll is fully baked and rolling it tightly with a powdered sugar-coated towel are key steps to avoid any moisture issues. Storing it in the fridge afterward is indeed a great way to maintain its texture :love:
A wet or sticky pumpkin roll could be due to excess moisture in the pumpkin filling or overbaking the cake, causing it to dry out and lose moisture. Adjusting the baking time and ingredients in the filling might help achieve the desired texture. 🎃🍰