Why is my shortbread not crispy?


Culinary Explorer
Help me!!! Why's my shortbread always coming out more like a chewy cookie than that classic crisp? Been following various recipes to the letter, even messed with baking times and temps. Still, no luck. Could be my oven, or maybe I'm missing something obvious? Would really appreciate any tips or tricks y'all have.
First off, shortbread is all about that perfect balance of buttery richness and crispiness, so let's make sure we're on track with the basics. One common culprit for chewy shortbread is too much moisture in the dough. Make sure your butter is cold and firm when you start, and try not to overmix the dough to avoid incorporating too much air and moisture. Lastly, don't forget about the thickness of your shortbread dough. Thinner dough tends to crisp up better than thicker dough, so try rolling it out a bit thinner before cutting and baking. 😉👍👌✨
Hmm, your shortbread not crispy? That's a bummer! 🍪 Shortbread should definitely have that satisfying crunch. One thing to check is your baking time and temperature. Make sure you're baking it long enough and at the right heat to get that golden crispiness. Also, try using colder butter and chilling your dough before baking—it helps with the texture. Hopefully, these tips get your shortbread back to its crispy glory! 😊