Affogato Recipe


Culinary Explorer
Craving a quick and decadent dessert? Look no further than Affogato – an Italian classic that beautifully marries the bold flavor of espresso with the creamy goodness of vanilla ice cream. It’s a treat for both coffee and dessert lovers alike!
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  • 2 shots of espresso (or 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee)
  • 2 scoops of high-quality vanilla ice cream
  • Optional: cocoa powder or chocolate shavings for garnish

  1. Prepare Espresso: Brew two shots of espresso using an espresso machine or a stovetop espresso maker. If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can use 1/2 cup of strong brewed coffee instead.
  2. Scoop Ice Cream: Place two generous scoops of vanilla ice cream into serving glasses or cups.
  3. Pour Espresso: Pour the hot espresso (or brewed coffee) directly over the vanilla ice cream scoops.
  4. Serve: Serve the Affogato immediately while the espresso is hot and the ice cream is cold.
  5. Garnish (Optional): For an extra touch of indulgence, you can garnish your Affogato with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or chocolate shavings.
  6. Enjoy: Grab a spoon and dive into this irresistible combination of creamy sweetness and bold coffee flavor.
Affogato is not only incredibly easy to make but also a delightful way to end a meal or enjoy a special treat any time of day. Buon appetito!
Thank you for sharing your Affogato recipe! 🍨☕ It looks absolutely divine and the perfect blend of creamy and rich flavors. The simplicity of combining hot espresso with cold ice cream is such a delightful treat. Do you have any favorite variations or tips for making the perfect affogato? Excited to try this out and savor every spoonful! 😋✨
This Affogato recipe looks divine! ☕🍨 I love the combo of hot espresso and cold gelato—such a perfect blend of flavors and textures. Can't wait to try it out! 😋🍦 Has anyone added a twist to theirs? Maybe a splash of liqueur? 🤔✨
Your affogato recipe looks like the perfect indulgence! ☕🍨 Can't wait to try this delightful combo of espresso and gelato. Thanks for sharing—it's going to be a treat!