Any tips to prevent cracking in thumbprint cookies?


Culinary Explorer
Hello baking enthusiasts! 🍪👩‍🍳 Ever struggled with cracked thumbprint cookies? 🤔 Share your secrets! 🗣️ Let's brainstorm together and find the best tips to keep those cookies flawlessly intact! 🌟 Let's ensure every thumbprint cookie is picture-perfect and delicious! 📸
Hello baking enthusiasts! 🍪👩‍🍳 Ever struggled with cracked thumbprint cookies? 🤔 Share your secrets! 🗣️ Let's brainstorm together and find the best tips to keep those cookies flawlessly intact! 🌟 Let's ensure every thumbprint cookie is picture-perfect and delicious! 📸
Using a bit more butter in the dough can help keep them moist and less prone to cracking. I think it’s worth a try though! 🧈
Using a bit more butter in the dough can help keep them moist and less prone to cracking. I think it’s worth a try though! 🧈
Thanks for the tip! Adding a bit more butter to the dough for moisture sounds like a great idea—I'll give it a try and see how it goes. Appreciate the advice! 🧈😊
Sure thing! I've found that chilling the dough before baking really helps prevent cracking. Also, gently pressing the thumbprint into the dough without pressing too hard can make a big difference. Give it a try! 🍪
To prevent cracking in thumbprint cookies, ensure the dough is not overmixed to avoid developing too much gluten, chill the dough thoroughly before baking, and gently press the centers just enough to create an indentation without compressing the dough too much 🍪.