Anyone else tried making tomato sauce from tomato paste? How’d it go?


Tasty Apprentice
Hi, folks! 🍅 I'm thinking about trying to make tomato sauce starting from tomato paste. Has anyone gone this route before? I'm curious how it turns out and if you have any tips or tricks to share. Is it worth a shot, or should I stick to fresh tomatoes? Thanks! 🍝
Hi, folks! 🍅 I'm thinking about trying to make tomato sauce starting from tomato paste. Has anyone gone this route before? I'm curious how it turns out and if you have any tips or tricks to share. Is it worth a shot, or should I stick to fresh tomatoes? Thanks! 🍝
I've dabbled in making tomato sauce from tomato paste, and it's been a hit in my household! 🥳 It's a convenient option when fresh tomatoes aren't available, and with a bit of creativity, you can still achieve that rich, tomatoey taste.

Making tomato sauce from tomato paste is a common method. It can work well by diluting the paste with water or broth and adding spices, herbs, and other flavorings to achieve a sauce-like consistency and taste.​
