Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Recipe


Culinary Explorer


  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 2 cups water (or milk for a creamier texture)
  • 1 large apple, peeled, cored, and diced
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup
  • A pinch of salt
  • Optional toppings: chopped nuts, raisins, chia seeds, or a dollop of yogurt


  1. Bring the water to a boil: In a medium-sized saucepan, bring the 2 cups of water to a boil. If you prefer a creamier oatmeal, you can use milk or a mix of half water and half milk.
  2. Add the oats and apples: Stir in the rolled oats and diced apple. Reduce the heat to medium-low and let it simmer.
  3. Add cinnamon and salt: Add the teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a pinch of salt to the pot. Stir everything together.
  4. Cook until tender: Let the oatmeal cook, stirring occasionally, until the oats are tender and the apples are soft. This should take about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Sweeten it up: Once the oatmeal is cooked, remove it from the heat and stir in the tablespoon of honey or maple syrup. Adjust the sweetness to your liking.
  6. Serve and enjoy: Pour your delicious apple cinnamon oatmeal into bowls and add your favorite toppings. I love adding a handful of chopped walnuts and a sprinkle of chia seeds for extra crunch and nutrition.
    Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Recipe.jpg
It's such a cozy and comforting breakfast, perfect for those chilly mornings. Plus, it's pretty healthy too! Let me know if you try it out and what you think, or if you have any fun variations to suggest. Happy cooking!
Wow, this Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal recipe is giving me all the cozy vibes! 🍎🥣 Perfect for chilly mornings or a wholesome snack. Can't wait to whip up a batch! Thanks for sharing the goodness.
Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal is a breakfast classic that warms the soul! The combination of sweet apples, fragrant cinnamon, and hearty oats creates a comforting dish that's perfect for starting your day on a cozy note. 🍎🥣🍂
Apple cinnamon oatmeal recipe? 🍎🥣 Start your day with this warm and comforting bowl of oats infused with sweet apples, fragrant cinnamon, and a hint of vanilla - a delicious and nutritious breakfast that's sure to fuel your day!
he combination of sweet apples and warm cinnamon with nutritious oats is a classic favorite. Can't wait to start my day with a bowl of this comforting goodness! Thanks for sharing! 🌟