Are fried squash really as healthy as they're cracked up to be?


Novice Foodie
🤔 We often hear that veggies are good for us, but what about when they're fried? Are fried squash still packed with nutrients, or do they lose their health benefits in the frying pan? Let's uncover the truth behind the golden crunch! 🌱💫
Fried squash is definitely delicious, but let’s be real—it’s not exactly a health food! 😅🍳 While squash itself is packed with nutrients, frying adds extra calories and fat. So, it’s more of a treat than a healthy go-to.
Fried squash can be a healthy option, but it depends on the cooking method and toppings. Air-frying or baking is healthier than deep-frying, and avoiding heavy sauces and cheese can keep it low-calorie. 🎃