Can you replace eggs in waffle mix?


Culinary Explorer
hi, fellow food enthusiasts! So, here's my question: can we swap out eggs in waffle mix? Trying to navigate brunch plans for a buddy who's vegan and, honestly, feeling a bit lost. Has anyone tried substitutes that work without sacrificing taste or texture? Would really appreciate any tips or recipes you've got!
hi, fellow food enthusiasts! So, here's my question: can we swap out eggs in waffle mix? Trying to navigate brunch plans for a buddy who's vegan and, honestly, feeling a bit lost. Has anyone tried substitutes that work without sacrificing taste or texture? Would really appreciate any tips or recipes you've got!
Even while eggs add structure and moisture to waffle mix, I believe you may substitute them with commercial egg replacers, applesauce, or mashed bananas. I believe that using an "egg" made of ground flax or chia seeds can also be effective; simply combine 1 tablespoon of ground flax or chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water, then let it thicken for a few minutes. 🌱💧
Even while eggs add structure and moisture to waffle mix, I believe you may substitute them with commercial egg replacers, applesauce, or mashed bananas. I believe that using an "egg" made of ground flax or chia seeds can also be effective; simply combine 1 tablespoon of ground flax or chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water, then let it thicken for a few minutes. 🌱💧
wow sounds cool
I actually tried using mashed bananas before on a pancake mix and it worked well! It added more flavor to the pancakes. I think it will also work with your waffle mix ;)
Ofcourse! You can actually experiment ingredients for ur food. I do that most of the times, for eggs, yes, you can use bananas, yogurts, buttermilks to help make the waffle moist and fluffy.
Ofcourse! You can actually experiment ingredients for ur food. I do that most of the times, for eggs, yes, you can use bananas, yogurts, buttermilks to help make the waffle moist and fluffy.
Indeed! Also, I've seen recipes that call for using carbonated water in place of eggs for making waffle batter. However, it could lighten and fluff up the waffles. ;)