Do Oreo Truffles Require Refrigeration?


Novice Foodie
Quick query: Do Oreo truffles need to cozy up in the fridge or can they hang out on the counter? 🤔🍫 I'm eager to whip up a batch but want to ensure they stay fresh and fabulous. Any seasoned truffle-makers out there with advice?
Oreo truffles are best kept in the fridge to maintain their shape and freshness since the cream cheese inside can spoil at room temperature. You can leave them out for a short time when serving, but keep them chilled until then for the best results! 🍫😊
Oreo truffles are best kept in the fridge! 🧊🍫 They'll stay fresh and firm, especially with that creamy filling. If you leave them on the counter, they might get too soft. Pop them in the fridge for the win! 😋👌
Oreo truffles are best kept in the fridge to maintain their shape and freshness since the cream cheese inside can spoil at room temperature. You can leave them out for a short time when serving, but keep them chilled until then for the best results! 🍫😊
Thanks for the tip! That makes total sense. I’ll make sure to keep them in the fridge to keep everything fresh and delicious. Appreciate the advice! 🍫😊