Grill, bake, or fry? What's your go-to method for cooking rockfish?


Novice Foodie
Hey there! I'm on a culinary adventure and need your expertise. 🤔 When it comes to cooking rockfish, do you prefer to grill, bake, or fry it? 🐟 I'm eager to know your go-to method for preparing this delicious fish! 😄
Hey! 😄 For rockfish, I’m all about baking—it really brings out the flavor without overpowering it. Just a little seasoning, and it comes out tender and delicious. Grilling is great too if you want that smoky taste. What method are you leaning towards? 🐟
Hey there! For me, frying is the way to go with rockfish. 🐟 It gives the fish a crispy, golden crust while keeping the inside juicy and tender. It’s super easy and perfect if you’re craving something a bit more indulgent. Have you tried frying it before? 🍳😋