Help! Why does my lemon cake have a floury aftertaste?

Good day, baking friends! 🍰 I need some help – my lemon cake keeps having this floury aftertaste, no matter what I do. πŸ˜– Is there a trick to avoiding this? Maybe I'm mixing it wrong, or my measurements are off? Would love to get your tips for a tastier cake. Thanks a bunch! πŸ‹
Hey there! 🌟 To avoid that floury aftertaste, try sifting your flour before mixing and make sure to blend your ingredients thoroughly so there are no dry pockets. Also, double-check your measurements to ensure you're not adding too much flour. Happy baking! πŸ‹βœ¨
Oh no, that’s frustrating! πŸ˜• It might be due to not mixing the flour thoroughly or not baking the cake long enough. Make sure to sift your flour and mix the batter well. Also, check if it’s fully baked by doing the toothpick test. Hope this helps!