Is broccoli cheddar soup a good source of protein?


Novice Foodie
Hey everyone, been thinking about the nutritional side of our favorite soups, like broccoli cheddar. 🥣🥦🧀It's delicious, no doubt, but does it pack a decent protein punch? Given the cheese and possibly milk in the recipe, it seems like it might. Curious if anyone's looked into this or knows whether it's a substantial source. Would love to hear your thoughts, especially if you've found ways to boost the protein content without compromising taste! 🧐🤭
I think broccoli cheddar soup is delicious, but not the best for protein. Cheese adds some, though. 😊
Broccoli cheddar soup provides some protein, primarily from the cheese, but it's not a significant source compared to other protein-rich foods. 🥦🧀