Looking for low-sugar jello poke cake recipes!

Kiriya Ubuyashiki

Culinary Explorer
Oh, I’mLooking for no or low-sugar jello poke cake recipes! 🍰💡 time to post some delicious assays anyone out there who bakes? Opportunities I have been waiting for are: I am interested to know how the adverts can meet that sweet craving without the use of excess sugar. Now that we have shared recipes let us exchange them and go for baking! 🍓🥄
You can try using sugar-free jello and a low-sugar cake mix for your poke cake! Top it with whipped cream sweetened with a sugar substitute like Stevia or monk fruit. It’ll satisfy your sweet tooth without the extra sugar! 🍰✨
Aside from sugar-free cake mix, I use unsweetened applesauce for the cake base instead of oil to reduce fat and sugar. 😊🍰 Then, I prefer sugar-free whipped topping and add fresh fruit for added flavor. 🍓🫐
For a low-sugar Jello poke cake, try using a sugar-free cake mix, sugar-free Jello, and swap out regular whipped topping for a light or sugar-free version. You can also add fresh fruit for extra flavor! 🍰🍓