Mommas, what's the secret to getting pancakes nice and fluffy?


Novice Foodie
Hi, mommies. I think using buttermilk in the pancake batter can achieve fluffiness, as it activates the baking powder, resulting in extra lift and airy pancakes. In addition to making your pancakes more fluffy, I used cornstarch as it lightens the texture of the pancakes making them tender and fluffy.
Hey there! 🥞 Using buttermilk and cornstarch sounds like a great idea for achieving fluffy pancakes! I've also heard that letting the batter rest for a bit before cooking can help the gluten relax, resulting in a lighter texture. Some folks swear by adding a bit of baking soda to the mix for extra fluffiness too. It's all about finding what works best for you and your pancake preferences! 🥛🌽
To achieve perfectly fluffy pancakes, a few key steps are essential. Firstly, opt for buttermilk in your pancake batter as its acidity reacts with baking powder, yielding lighter and airier pancakes. Secondly, avoid overmixing the batter; a few gentle stirs until just combined will do. Additionally, allow the batter to rest for a few minutes before cooking, which gives the leavening agents time to work their magic. When cooking, maintain a medium heat on your griddle or skillet to ensure even cooking without burning. Lastly, watch for bubbles forming on the surface of the pancakes before flipping them; this indicates that the bottom is cooked and ready to be turned. By following these simple yet effective tips, you'll be serving up fluffy pancakes that everyone will love.
I'm not a momma, but I found out that the secret to fluffy pancakes is not overmixing the batter! ;)
Just gently fold the ingredients together until they're combined—lumps are totally fine. This keeps the pancakes airy and light! 🥞
When you are cooking it Heat a wok or flat pan over medium heat. Too hot and you'll end up with burns both on the outside and raw on the inside. Too low and it will take forever to cook. Finding the sweet spot is the key to golden brown. ♥
Not a mommy but by using buttermilk and adding cornstarch to your pancake batter can indeed yield fluffy and tender pancakes! 🥞💫
Hey there, fellow mommas! Absolutely, using buttermilk and cornstarch in your pancake batter can definitely help achieve that desired fluffiness. The acidity in buttermilk activates the baking powder for extra lift, while the cornstarch lightens the texture, resulting in tender and fluffy pancakes. Give it a try, and hope this helps you make the fluffiest pancakes ever! 🥞😊