Saba Misoni Recipe


Culinary Explorer
Hey there, just trying to figure out what to do with this mackerel fillet (saba) I had lying around :). And, well, I stumbled upon this recipe called Saba Misoni. It's pretty simple, but I thought maybe you guys would like it too... So, um, here it is!
saba misoni.jpg
  • 1 Mackerel Fillet (saba)
  • 1 Green Bell Pepper (Piman), seeded and quartered
  • Shiraganegi (shredded white part of a long green onion)
Broth and Other Ingredients:
  • 180 ml Water
  • 3 tbsp Sake
  • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Mirin
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Miso
  • 3 slices Ginger Root
  • 10 cm Long Green Onions (Naganegi)
  1. First things first, let's prep our mackerel fillet by patting it dry with some kitchen paper. We want it nice and dry for that perfect sear later.
  2. Now, let's get our green bell pepper all prepped up - seeds out and quartered. It's like giving it a mini makeover!
  3. Time to gather our broth ingredients - water, sake, sugar, mirin, miso, ginger root, and those long green onions. They're like the VIP squad of flavors.
  4. In a pan, bring the broth ingredients to a gentle simmer. It's like the calm before the flavorful storm.
  5. Carefully add in our mackerel fillet and green bell peppers. Let them cozy up in that flavorful broth. It's like a fishy jacuzzi party!
  6. Let everything simmer together until the mackerel is cooked through and the peppers are tender. You'll know it's ready when your kitchen smells like a cozy izakaya in Tokyo!

    And there you have it, Don't shy away from experimenting with the broth ingredients - adjust to your taste and make it your own flavor adventure! Now, who's up for seconds? Any suggestions to take this dish to the next level? Share it guys :LOL:
Saba Misoni recipe? Prepare to embark on a culinary journey to Japan, where tender mackerel meets the irresistible sweetness of miso! 🐟🍯 Get ready to simmer, stew, and savor every flavorful bite of this traditional dish that's as comforting as it is delicious. Sayonara, bland meals - and hello, taste bud adventure!
Hi I hear ya. That sounds great! Sable comes plusher mackerel with puree—the recipe is flavorful and very easy to follow. 🤗 ;)