Sinuglaw: Filipino Dish


Novice Foodie
Whenever I want to eat pork & fish together, there's one go-to Filipino dish that solves this craving— Sinuglaw. It is a delicious Filipino dish that combines grilled pork belly (sinugba) and ceviche-style fish (kinilaw). So I'm sharing here a simplified recipe to serve 5 people:



  • 250g pork belly, thinly sliced
  • 250g fresh white fish fillets (such as tuna or tanigue), cubed
  • 1 red onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tomatoes, diced
  • 1 cucumber, seeded and diced
  • 2-3 chili peppers (siling labuyo), finely chopped (adjust to taste)
  • 1/4 cup calamansi juice or lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Chopped spring onions or cilantro for garnish (optional)
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  1. Prepare the Pork Belly:
    • Season the thinly sliced pork belly with salt and pepper.
    • Grill or pan-fry the pork belly slices until cooked through and slightly charred. Set aside.
  2. Prepare the Fish Kinilaw:
    • In a bowl, combine the cubed fish fillets, chopped onion, diced tomatoes, diced cucumber, and chopped chili peppers.
    • Add calamansi juice (or lime juice) and soy sauce to the bowl. Mix well to combine.
    • Season with salt and pepper to taste. Adjust the amount of chili peppers according to your preferred level of spiciness.
    • Let the fish mixture marinate in the refrigerator for about 15-20 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.
  3. Assemble the Sinuglaw:
    • Once the fish mixture has marinated, combine it with the grilled pork belly slices in a large bowl.
    • Gently toss the mixture to ensure the flavors are evenly distributed.
  4. Serve:
    • Transfer the sinuglaw to a serving platter or individual bowls.
    • Garnish with chopped spring onions or cilantro, if desired.
    • Serve immediately, optionally with ice cubes on the side to keep it chilled.
Enjoy your flavorful and refreshing Sinuglaw with your friends and family!
Wow, this Sinuglaw recipe looks absolutely delicious! 😍 I love how it combines the smoky flavor of grilled pork belly with the fresh and tangy taste of ceviche-style fish. The combination of flavors and textures sounds absolutely mouthwatering! And the best part is, it seems pretty simple to make with easy-to-find ingredients. I can't wait to give this recipe a try and impress my friends and family with this unique Filipino dish. Thanks for sharing this mouthwatering recipe! 🇵🇭🍽️