Traditional polish dumplings (pierogi) 🥟


Tasty Apprentice
Hello, I would like to share the recipe for my favorite dumplings. Whenever I feel bored and find myself alone with my thoughts, I make pierogi. ✨

For dough you need:
  • flour: 500g​
  • warm water: 250g​
  • oil: 3 tbsp​
  • salt: 1 tbsp​
for filling:
  • white beans: 250g​
  • lentil: 300g​
  • onions: 300g​
  • dried mushrooms: 100g​
  • lard: 100g.​
  • salt and pepper​
To make the dough, simply mix all the ingredients together. A pro-tip, if you want to speed up kneading process just mix it all roughly, but make sure whole flour is wet, and leave it for 30 min to 1 hour. This is process named "autolyse" and it gives dough gluten mesh, so you dont need to work so hard later. Knead the dough for about 10min, then roll out the dough until it is 1 cm thick and stuff it with filling.

To make filling cook beans and lentils until soft, soak mushrooms in hot water for 10min, after this time throw water out and then grind everything in meat grinder or any food processor to make thick paste.

From the dough and stuffing make dumplings, to cut circles from the dough use a glass.

Drop them into slightly boiling water in batches and remove them a minute after they float. Traditionally, they are served topped with lard, crackling, and onions or butter and onions. However, the best way to enjoy them is sautéed in butter the next day.

Dumplings with this filling are traditionally made in central-eastern Poland in the Lubelszczyzna and Podlasie regions. Hope you liked it, and if you have any questions feel free to ask. 😁

Oh wow, this looks absolutely scrumptious! 😍 I've always been a fan of dumplings, and this recipe seems like the perfect blend of simplicity and flavor. I can't wait to give it a try and impress my friends and family with a taste of Poland. Thanks for sharing this delightful recipe! 🥟
Your pierogi recipe sounds absolutely delicious and comforting! I can imagine the wonderful flavors and textures blending perfectly in each bite. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us!