Vanilla Ice Cream with Matcha Affogato


Culinary Explorer
Some days are just warm. The weather forecast this week for Manila is going to be sunny with warm temperatures, and that means one thing.

Ice cream! But most importantly, Matcha Affogato.

Vanilla Ice cream is great, but since I don’t like my sweets too sweet, a sophisticated way to tone it down is by adding some matcha to it… in the form of an Italian-style affogato, which literally means “drowned.”

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Some days are just warm. The weather forecast this week for Manila is going to be sunny with warm temperatures, and that means one thing.

Ice cream! But most importantly, Matcha Affogato.

Vanilla Ice cream is great, but since I don’t like my sweets too sweet, a sophisticated way to tone it down is by adding some matcha to it… in the form of an Italian-style affogato, which literally means “drowned.”

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Vanilla ice cream with matcha affogato sounds amazing! I think a small scoop of red bean paste on the side could add an interesting contrast. 🍧🌱 Though, I’d love to hear how the matcha flavor turns out with your recipe!