What is crab rangoon also known as?


Culinary Explorer
Hey all, got a question about crab rangoon. Also known as crab puffs or cheese wontons in some places, these delicious parcels of creamy, crab-filled goodness are a hit in many American Chinese restaurants. Curious, though, are there other names or variations out there I might not know about? What do you call them in your area?
Crab rangoon may be known by other names or variations, such as seafood puffs or seafood wontons. Additionally, some places might refer to them simply as cheese puffs or cheese wontons, especially if they contain a creamy cheese filling without crab.🦀🧀
In addition to "crab rangoon," some regions refer to these delectable treats as "crab puffs" or "cheese wontons." Are there any other names or variations in your area? Let's share our culinary terminology!