How do I know if kimchi has gone bad? 🥬


Culinary Explorer
Hey folks! I got a tub of kimchi in the fridge. I'm wondering about how to tell if this had gone bad 😕 It has a bit of funky smell every time I open it. I wonder if it's still safe to eat. Is there any ways to figure this out? 🕵️‍♂️ Thanks in advance, folks! 🙌
I think there are a few signs to look out for when checking if kimchi has gone bad. Though it's known for its tangy flavor, if it starts smelling overly sour or rotten, that's a red flag 🫣
I think there are a few signs to look out for when checking if kimchi has gone bad. Though it's known for its tangy flavor, if it starts smelling overly sour or rotten, that's a red flag 🫣
Thank you for the warning! I'll watch for the sour smell. 🍲👃👍
Hey folks! I got a tub of kimchi in the fridge. I'm wondering about how to tell if this had gone bad
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😕 It has a bit of funky smell every time I open it. I wonder if it's still safe to eat. Is there any ways to figure this out? 🕵️‍♂️ Thanks in advance, folks! 🙌
When checking if kimchi has gone bad, trust your senses. Look for signs like mold, an off smell, or significant changes in texture. If it smells overly sour or fermented beyond its usual tanginess, it might be time to toss it. Always use clean utensils when handling to prevent contamination.