Rib-Eye Steak


Novice Foodie
Last night, I treated myself to some mouthwatering ribeye steak for dinner, and let me tell you, it was absolutely divine! 😊🍽️

Ingredients (for 2 servings):
  • 2 ribeye steaks (about 1-inch thick)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • Optional: 2 cloves minced garlic, a few sprigs of rosemary

  1. Begin by taking the ribeye steaks out of the fridge and allowing them to rest on the counter for about 30 minutes. This step helps them cook more evenly.
  2. While the steaks are resting, preheat your grill or grill pan over high heat. You want it nice and hot to achieve that perfect sear.
  3. Pat the steaks dry with paper towels to remove any excess moisture. Dry steaks result in better browning and more flavor.
  4. Season both sides of the steaks generously with salt and pepper. For an extra kick, you can also sprinkle minced garlic or add rosemary sprigs.
  5. Drizzle olive oil over the steaks or add a tablespoon of butter, rubbing it in nicely. This not only enhances the flavor but also prevents sticking on the grill.
  6. Once the grill is hot, carefully place the steaks on it, listening for that satisfying sizzle.
  7. Let the steaks cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side for a perfect medium-rare. Adjust the cooking time to your desired level of doneness.
  8. Avoid flipping the steaks too often; just let them cook undisturbed to develop a beautiful crust.
  9. Once done, remove the steaks from the grill and allow them to rest for a few minutes. This step is crucial for the juices to redistribute, ensuring a juicy steak.
  10. Slice into those juicy ribeyes and serve them hot, paired with your favorite sides. I love mine with roasted veggies or crispy fries.
Voila! You've got yourself a simple yet incredibly delicious steak dinner that's sure to impress. Enjoy every savory bite! 🥩✨

Last night, I treated myself to some mouthwatering ribeye steak for dinner, and let me tell you, it was absolutely divine! 😊🍽️

Ingredients (for 2 servings):
  • 2 ribeye steaks (about 1-inch thick)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • Optional: 2 cloves minced garlic, a few sprigs of rosemary

  1. Begin by taking the ribeye steaks out of the fridge and allowing them to rest on the counter for about 30 minutes. This step helps them cook more evenly.
  2. While the steaks are resting, preheat your grill or grill pan over high heat. You want it nice and hot to achieve that perfect sear.
  3. Pat the steaks dry with paper towels to remove any excess moisture. Dry steaks result in better browning and more flavor.
  4. Season both sides of the steaks generously with salt and pepper. For an extra kick, you can also sprinkle minced garlic or add rosemary sprigs.
  5. Drizzle olive oil over the steaks or add a tablespoon of butter, rubbing it in nicely. This not only enhances the flavor but also prevents sticking on the grill.
  6. Once the grill is hot, carefully place the steaks on it, listening for that satisfying sizzle.
  7. Let the steaks cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side for a perfect medium-rare. Adjust the cooking time to your desired level of doneness.
  8. Avoid flipping the steaks too often; just let them cook undisturbed to develop a beautiful crust.
  9. Once done, remove the steaks from the grill and allow them to rest for a few minutes. This step is crucial for the juices to redistribute, ensuring a juicy steak.
  10. Slice into those juicy ribeyes and serve them hot, paired with your favorite sides. I love mine with roasted veggies or crispy fries.
Voila! You've got yourself a simple yet incredibly delicious steak dinner that's sure to impress. Enjoy every savory bite! 🥩✨

View attachment 309
WOW! A must-try recipe. I might try this when I'm back home👌
I love eating steaks but I haven't really tried to make it. I think this is the sign for me cook one myself. I love how easy it is to make and how detailed your instructions was. Thanks!
I'd make some adjustments to this recipe.
Resting time: 10 minutes
Thyme + Butter = Baste the steak whilst cooking it. This should be the last step before taking them off the pan.
Pan = Preferably iron cast pan and make it super hot.

There's also another technique. You do the 90 second rule on each side. Take it off. Let it rest for 15 minutes. Then put it on a hot pan again for 90 seconds each side whilst basting it. The 90 seconds depends on the thickness of the rib-eye too and how much done-ness you want. I prefer mine medium-rare to medium.