Using Takoyaki Flour for Okonomiyaki?


Culinary Explorer
🍜 Hey everyone! I recently got my hands on some takoyaki flour, and I'm wondering if it works well for making okonomiyaki too? Has anyone tried this before? I'd love to hear your experiences and any tips you might have! Thanks in advance! 😊
Yo! All in all, I want to mention that it is possible to use takoyaki flour for okonomiyaki as well. It appears that they are just variations of the same cooked product which are the pancakes but have different stuffings. You might as well try it out and see the result that you will obtain. 😋🥢🐙
Sure thing! While Takoyaki flour can work for Okonomiyaki, it might give it a slightly different texture. You can give it a try, but if you want that classic Okonomiyaki taste, using Okonomiyaki flour is your best bet!
Hey there! 🥢 Takoyaki flour can work for okonomiyaki too, but the texture might differ slightly. Some people find it works just fine, while others prefer a specific okonomiyaki flour for authenticity. Give it a try and see how you like it! 😊👍