What does milk do in pizza dough?


Novice Foodie
Just needa help.. I've been tweaking my pizza dough recipe and started wondering about milk's role. Why do some recipes swear by milk, while others stick to water? Milk must add something special, right? Flavor, texture, or maybe both? Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this!
Although most pizza dough recipes call for water, I believe milk gives a deeper, richer indulgent flavor. It contributes to a much more delicious pizza :whistle:
Experimenting with pizza dough recipes sounds like a delicious adventure! 🍕👩‍🍳 Milk definitely adds a unique touch to dough, bringing a subtle richness and tenderness to the crust. Some pizza makers swear by it for its ability to create a softer texture and a slightly sweeter flavor profile, while others opt for water to achieve a crisper, more traditional crust. Happy pizza making! 🥳🍴